Social Media

Assalamualaikum wr.wb
Good evening everyone ? How is your day? Fine, Insya ALLAH
This time weekly edition discuss about one of the social media account that many people use. Can you guess what social media account we will discuss? Let us read more. Check it out!
Social media account thah we will discuss is “facebook”, surely you have this social media account, aren’t you? Surely you have. Facebook is a social network service that launched at February 2004 owned and operated by, facebook is build by Mark Zukerberg with his room and university student mate. In Indonesia until now is the fourth highest facebook user with 51.362.000 total user.
There is some unique fact about facebook, and that is :
42% male and 63% female admit that they are using facebook to find their ex. You must be admit it, aren’t you?
Facebokk is translated to 76 language. Wow, cool.
28% people checking facebook before get up from bed. Are you do that before get up from bed too? Just answer yes in your heart.
For you that active on using social media network, don’t forget to study, pray, and eat, okay guys!!!
So and so much discussfrom weeklyEnglish this week, thank you for reading and see you in the next weekly.

Wassalamualaikum wr.wb

Dalam bahasa indonesia

Assalamualaikum wr.wb

Good morning everyone? How is your day? Insyaallah baik ya.. hehe,
Edisi weekly kali ini akan membahas tentang salah satu akun social media yang paling banyak di gunakan oleh setiap orang. Ada yang bisa nebak akun social apa yang akan di bahas? Yukk kita baca lebih lanjut, cekidot…
Akun social media yang akan kita bahas adalah”facebook”, pasti kalian punya akun social media yang satu ini kan ? pasti punya hehe… facebook adalah sebuah layanan jejaring social yang di luncurkan pada bulan februari 2004 di miliki dan di operasikan oleeh , facebook didirikan oleh mark zuckerberg bersama teman sekamarnya dan sesama mahasiswa. Di Indonesia hingga saat ini masih bertahan di urutan ke-4 dengan total pengguna sebanyak 51.362.000 user.
Ada beberapa fakta unik mengenai facebook yaitu :
42% pria dan 63% wanita mengaku memakai facebook untuk mencari mantan kekasih. Kalian juga mengakuinya ga???hehe…
Facebook di terjemahkan dalam 76 bahasa. Woww keren..
28% setiap orang mengecheck facebook sebelum bangun dari tempat tidur. Apakah kalian melakukan kegiatan seperti ini sebelum bangun dari tempat tidur??hehe.. jawab ya di dalam hati aja ya…

Bagi kalian yang aktif menggunakan jejaring social media jangan sampai lupa untuk belajar, ibadah, dan makan. Okk guys!!!!!
Cukup sekian pembahasan dari buletin weekly English minggu ini, terima kasih telah membaca dan sampai ketemu di edisi weekly minggu depan .  Jangan lupa untuk follow twitter kita di @ecfat dan jion di grup facebook di ecfat smanfatka. Thanks for reading. YOU CAN IF YOU THINK YOU CAN

Wassalamualaikum wr.wb

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The Greek Story Of Medusa

Hai guys, gimana kabar kalian para pembaca setia blog Ecfat ? admin harap kalian baik-baik aja ya. Tema kali ini tentang Medusa, ada yang tau medusa ? kalau yang suka cerita dewa yunani sih pasti tau ya. Jadi to the point aja ya !!

The Greek story of Medusa

Many years ago there was a beautiful
women called Medusa. She lived in a
place called Athens in Greece. She
was a very kind and she obeyed her
Greek gods and goddesses. Even
though there was pretty girls there,
Medusa was one of them.
Every single day Medusa always
boasted about her self. She says to
other people she is the most prettiest
out of everyone in the whole wide

Unfortunately, Medusa was very proud
of her beauty and thought or spoke of
little else.  Each day she boasted of
how pretty she was and each day her
boasts became more outrageous.

On Sunday, Medusa told the miller that
her skin is more beautiful then fresh
white snow. On Monday, she babbled
the cobbler that her hair is brighter
than the sun. On Tuesday, she
commented the blacksmith's son that
her eyes are greener than Aegean sea.
On Wednesday, she boasted to the
public that her lips are redder than the
reddest rose in the world.

When Medusa wasn't busy she would
boast about her self while looking in a
mirror. She thought she was the
prettiest woman in the whole wide
world. She admired her self.
On and on Medusa went about her
beauty to anyone and everyone who
stopped long enough to hear her. Until
one day Medusa and her friends went
to the Parthenon. It was Medusa's first
time going to the Parthenon. The
Parthenon was the biggest temple in
Greece. In the Parthenon was the
goddess of wisdom and beauty and
that was Athena. There was statues of
most of the gods and goddesses in the
Greek culture. All the people who went
there obeyed Athena, all except

Medusa saw all the statues and she
whispered "Who ever did this statue
did do a good job but it would look
better if I was the statues." Every
picture she saw she said that the
person did a good job but she would
look better in the picture and she is so

When Medusa reached the altar she
sighed happily and said, "My this is a
beautiful temple. It is a shame it is
wasted on Athena for I am much
prettier than she is, perhaps one day
people will build an even grander
temple to my beauty."

Then Medusa's friend grew pale. The
priestesses heard what Medusa said
and they gasped. The roomer went
really quickly through the whole
temple and everyone started to leave.
Everyone knew Athena will get angry
if anyone compared her to someone

Before long the temple was empty of
everyone except Medusa, who was so
busy gazing proudly at her reflection
in the large bronze doors that she
hadn't noticed the fast departure of
everyone else. While Medusa was
gazing the figure changes. The figure
changed into goddess Athena.

"Vain and foolish girl," Athena shouted
angrily, "You think your a prettier girl
than me. While other people are
working, playing or learning you just
boast about your self. Medusa there is
more to life than beauty alone you
Medusa tried to point out that her
beauty was an inspiration to those
around her and that she made their
lives better by simply looking so
lovely, but Athena silenced her with an
angry wave.

"Nonsense," screamed Athena "One
day beauty will fade away. But I will
make it fade away now and all your
loveliness will be gone forever."
When Athena uttered those words
Medusa turned into a terrible monster.
Her hair thickened into hissing snakes
and body turned into a snake.

"Are you happy for what I have done?
Now anyone who looks in your eyes
will now turn into stone and no one
will be able to save them," snapped
Athena,"Even you, Medusa, should you
seek your reflection, will turn to rock
the moment you see your face."
Athena then sent Medusa with her hair
of snakes to live with the blind
monsters, the gorgon sisters, at the
end of the earth, so that no innocent
people would be turned to stone at the
sight of her by accident. * The End *

Yap, itulah asal muasal adanya wanita berkepala ular yang dikenal dengan Medusa. karena dia berbuat dosa dengan dewa laut, Poseidon di Parthenon of Athena (tempat ibadah orang yunani kuno), maka dari itu dia dikutuk oleh dewi Athena (dewi kecerdasan, strategi, dan bijaksana) menjadi wanita yang buruk rupa dengan memiliki kepala atau rambut yang penuh dengan ular. Makanya jangan pernah kalian berbuat sesuatu di tempat ibadah manapun.
Okay, itulah tema kita minggu ini, jangan lupa untuk kunjungi atau yang mau konseling tentang bahasa inggris, bisa follow kita via Twitter : @ecfat . Thank you for reading. See you next post. You Can If You Thing You Can!!

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